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Whatever the system, whether it's a miss or a hit, you always gotta respect the crit!

Jan 18, 2023

The race is over, the dust has settled, and the fearless fringers continue their business on Ord Mantell.

Show social & schedule - @RespectTheCrit

Elo - Jamie Lee-Bonés @jamiemfbones

Beegax Botano - Alex Herrera @aeherrera

Xelora - Susan Spenader @sueslalues

Host & GM - Ian Duncan @iduncs


Whatever the system,...

Jan 4, 2023

This is it, the home stretch!  Whoever crosses the finish line first is the winner and everyone after that is just some variation of last.

Show social & schedule - @RespectTheCrit

Elo - Jamie Lee-Bonés @jamiemfbones

Beegax Botano - Alex Herrera @aeherrera

Xelora - Susan Spenader @sueslalues

Host & GM - Ian Duncan